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How to get StateId / ActionId from its State name / Action name?

Muthukumar C (32712833) | asked Jun 15 '12, 1:14 a.m.
Hi all,

I want to perform some action based on the State of the Work item. For every state, I will perform some code. But I don't want to hard code the State id / Action Id in all my conditions.
I know the workflow name, State name and Action name. With this information, How can I retrieve ID?
I am looking for something like
String WFStateID = getWorkFlowStateID(ProjectArea, WorkflowNameIdentifier, StateName);
String WFActionID = getWorkFlowStateID(ProjectArea, WorkflowNameIdentifier, ActionName);

Any other workaround also welcome...

Thanks in advance


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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jun 15 '12, 3:28 a.m.
Please consider reading I believe the aspect editor has some code that can help.

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