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Help With Asset Approver Policy

Dan Duce (2534745) | asked Apr 11 '12, 3:51 p.m.
I've tried configuring the policies in RAM but am still having problems accomplishing the following:

1. How can you set it so that at least 1 person must approve an asset?

2. Can any of the existing policies be used to prevent an asset owner from also being the only approver? It's okay if they are an approver if someone else is also an approver.


3 answers

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Apr 13 '12, 3:07 p.m.
When configuring a lifecycle

1. Choose the state where you want the approval to take place
2. Click 'Add Reviewers...' and add the user or user groups you wish to review the asset. The owner does not have to be a reviewer
3. Choose the transition from the current state to the next state
4. Add a new condition which is 'Number of approvals' 'from all approvers' is '1'
5. If you remove the manual transition the asset will automatically move to the next state once a user approves the asset.

Policies are not involved in configuring this scenario. These are all just settings on the lifecycle itself.

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Dan Duce (2534745) | answered Apr 16 '12, 6:47 a.m.
When configuring a lifecycle

1. Choose the state where you want the approval to take place
2. Click 'Add Reviewers...' and add the user or user groups you wish to review the asset. The owner does not have to be a reviewer
3. Choose the transition from the current state to the next state
4. Add a new condition which is 'Number of approvals' 'from all approvers' is '1'
5. If you remove the manual transition the asset will automatically move to the next state once a user approves the asset.

Policies are not involved in configuring this scenario. These are all just settings on the lifecycle itself.

Hi Again,

I think I need to clarify my situation.

I want to have a master lifecycle that requires at least one approver, BEFORE any approvers are assigned to the asset.

So.. .the master lifecycle requires one or more approvers even though no approvers are assigned yet. The idea is that this will be inherited at the community level and approvers will be assigned by the community admin or by the asset owner later one.

In the second case, I'm looking for a way to check to make sure that the person listed as the asset owner is not the only person listed as an asset approver. So, in the second case, there must be at least one approver AND the asset owner cannot be the only approver.


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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Apr 17 '12, 11:11 a.m.

1. In the master lifecycle you can select a transition and add a rule stating that at least 1 user must approve the asset. Do not add a reviewer. At the community level the community administrator can choose a reviewer.

2. Uncheck the 'Include asset owners as lifecycle managers' checkbox at the master level. The community administrator will also have to leave this unchecked. Then the owner will not be able to manage the lifecycle and approve their own asset. Of course the community administrator will also have to make sure they do not add the asset owner as a reviewer.

There's not currently a built in rule stating that owners may not approve their own asset.

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