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Saving plans when a pre condition is not met on one item?

Scott Crouch (48532426) | asked Mar 21 '12, 4:20 p.m.
I'm wondering if anybody has ever experienced this and if there is any potential for an enhancement.

It's been frustrating to a few of our users that when saving a plan if one of the work items being saved fails to meet a pre condition (for example Summary is not set) then none of the work items save. The all or nothing on the saving of a plan can lead to mass edits of the plan being accidentally lost.

I know we should coach to save often when editing a plan, but I'm wondering if others have had issues with this and if there are any general thoughts on how to approach it better?

It seems to me like it would make sense to have the save go ahead and save all work items that it can (ie the preconditions are met), and then just leave unsaved the remaining items. I can't find any enhancement requests on this, maybe I missed it?

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Mar 22 '12, 3:53 a.m.
Hi Scott,

don't hesitate to create an enhancement request, if you feel that it needs to be improved. Please post the item here so others can subscribe.

I have not seen that issue because I work more with work items and in my projects we don't have that many preconditions. However, I realize that there is a lot of room for improvement in this area. In the plans a nice feature would be to visually outline the work items that don't save or other means to help finding what to fix. In the work item editor I would like to see easier which tab to go to and which attribute needs to be fixed.
Scott Crouch selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Scott Crouch (48532426) | answered Mar 22 '12, 8:54 a.m.
I created a couple of enhancement requests that I think would help solve the problems we ran into.

Enhancement 203071: Saving a plan should save work items that can be saved (leave unsaved ones that do not meet preconditions/etc).

Enhancement 203069: Make unsaved work items on plans easier to spot

Enhancement 203070: Allow line item saving on plans

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