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Login issue with CLM and Websphere custom registry

Joseph Simon Arokiaraj (21414845) | asked Feb 24 '12, 9:36 a.m.
Hi All,

I am seeing a strange behaviour in the user login.Currently we are building a test enviornment. Installed CLM 3.0.1/oracle/WAS 7.1 and the users are managed by Websphere custom registry. WAS is not enabled with LDAP.

WAS admin created a group "rtcpoc" and added some users on the group. We migrated the Apps from tomcat to WAS. All the basic functionalities are working cool.

For all the migrated apps (JTS/CCM/QM) Jazz repository groups (JazzAdmins,... JazzProjectAdmins) are mapped to "rtcpoc" group and configured the jts setup. Logins worked without any issues.

Created a new user "dw_user" in WAS and added to the WAS group "rtcpoc" and restarted the WAS server.When I tried to login as "dw_user", JTS shows the logged user as "ADMIN"

Message in the jts.log:

2012-02-23 17:11:47,667 WARN - CRJAZ1186W Authenticated user "dw_user" does not exist in the repository. Logging in as "ADMIN". The user may need to be imported into the repository. Note that login can be case-sensitive.

Anyone have clue to this issue?

Thanks in advance.


2 answers

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Lewis Tsao (2174963) | answered Feb 27 '12, 4:53 a.m.
Need to create "dw_user" in RTC/JTS manually.

Hi All,

I am seeing a strange behaviour in the user login.Currently we are building a test enviornment. Installed CLM 3.0.1/oracle/WAS 7.1 and the users are managed by Websphere custom registry. WAS is not enabled with LDAP.

WAS admin created a group "rtcpoc" and added some users on the group. We migrated the Apps from tomcat to WAS. All the basic functionalities are working cool.

For all the migrated apps (JTS/CCM/QM) Jazz repository groups (JazzAdmins,... JazzProjectAdmins) are mapped to "rtcpoc" group and configured the jts setup. Logins worked without any issues.

Created a new user "dw_user" in WAS and added to the WAS group "rtcpoc" and restarted the WAS server.When I tried to login as "dw_user", JTS shows the logged user as "ADMIN"

Message in the jts.log:

2012-02-23 17:11:47,667 WARN - CRJAZ1186W Authenticated user "dw_user" does not exist in the repository. Logging in as "ADMIN". The user may need to be imported into the repository. Note that login can be case-sensitive.

Anyone have clue to this issue?

Thanks in advance.


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Joseph Simon Arokiaraj (21414845) | answered Feb 27 '12, 9:14 a.m.
Hi Lewis,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

When we create "dw_user" manaully, JTS is going to store the credentails in WAS., but Already created dw_user account in WAS custom registry. Am I missing someething here?

Could you pls explain me the mechanism behind this when you find time?


Need to create "dw_user" in RTC/JTS manually.

Hi All,

I am seeing a strange behaviour in the user login.Currently we are building a test enviornment. Installed CLM 3.0.1/oracle/WAS 7.1 and the users are managed by Websphere custom registry. WAS is not enabled with LDAP.

WAS admin created a group "rtcpoc" and added some users on the group. We migrated the Apps from tomcat to WAS. All the basic functionalities are working cool.

For all the migrated apps (JTS/CCM/QM) Jazz repository groups (JazzAdmins,... JazzProjectAdmins) are mapped to "rtcpoc" group and configured the jts setup. Logins worked without any issues.

Created a new user "dw_user" in WAS and added to the WAS group "rtcpoc" and restarted the WAS server.When I tried to login as "dw_user", JTS shows the logged user as "ADMIN"

Message in the jts.log:

2012-02-23 17:11:47,667 WARN - CRJAZ1186W Authenticated user "dw_user" does not exist in the repository. Logging in as "ADMIN". The user may need to be imported into the repository. Note that login can be case-sensitive.

Anyone have clue to this issue?

Thanks in advance.


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