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Register new services using the Plain Java API

Marco Berger (144) | asked Jan 16 '12, 5:05 a.m.
Hi everyone,

I am trying to register new services I want to use to get a list of all ProjectAreas programming with the Plain Java API. Here the snippet of code which does not work:

private IInteropAdminRestClient adminRestClient;
private List<IInteropProjectAreaDTO> projectAreaDTO;
private IInteropConnectionFactory CONNECTION_FACTORY;
private IAuthenticator authenticator;

I also imported the required packages. While running the program I try to create instances of these classes. Using this code:

this.adminRestClient = (IInteropAdminRestClient) teamRepository.getClientLibrary(IInteropAdminRestClient.class);
this.projectAreaDTO = (List<IInteropProjectAreaDTO>) teamRepository.getClientLibrary(IInteropProjectAreaDTO.class);
this.CONNECTION_FACTORY = (IInteropConnectionFactory) teamRepository.getClientLibrary(IInteropConnectionFactory.class);
this.authenticator = (IAuthenticator) teamRepository.getClientLibrary(IInteropRestClient.class);

What I get back is always "null". I figured out that this must have something to with these services not being registered in the framework. There for a plugin.xml is required. How can I create such a plugin.xml whithout creating new plugin project? Is there an other way to get this running?

Thank you for your answers!

btw: I am programming client-sided using RTC 3.0

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