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best practices followed to make use RQM in manual test cycl

anoop mc (74811200221) | asked Dec 03 '11, 2:31 a.m.
best practices to be followed to make use of RQM features during manual test life cycle


We have started using RQM in our team.Currently we have 2 test cases and each test scripts listing more than 100+ steps to be performed against an application.

Here I would like to explain the current scenario we are in

1. We have created a Test Plan as a first step.
2. Associated the Test cases and Scripts (imported from excel) with the Test Plan.
3. Started executing the Test cases thereby manually entering the actual results (Pass / Fail) and completing the manual test script steps , saving the results.

Based on the above scenario let us know the best practices to be followed making use of the additional RQM features.


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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Jun 11 '12, 12:43 a.m.
Hi Anoop,
I noticed that you have only two test cases with hundreds of steps in each test case. Probably it would be good idea to revisit script steps and see if it can be broken down into modular testcases.
If a testcase fails in your case, does it really communicate what has failed?


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