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DOORS-RTC Integration, Default RCR List

Hagop Hagopian (123) | asked Nov 01 '11, 11:42 p.m.
Just wondering how the Default Requirement Change Request (RCR) list is populated. What are the requirements for an RCR to appear there? For example, does it matter whether it was created in Doors or RTC? Or does the state of the RCR work item matter (Assigned, Review, etc)?

I followed the guide at and the Default RCR list never populates with any RCRs for me to continue.

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Kenery Wang (6411827) | answered Oct 08 '13, 4:39 a.m.
Hi Hagop,

You need to transit the state of RCR to "Assigned".
In the meanwhile, the RCR's owner should be the same as current DOORS module's editor.
All the above conditions you've achieved, then you will see that the RCR is listed on the Default Selection list.

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