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How to use RTC with IBM BPM 7.5 (Integration Designer)

Thorsten Biegner (61) | asked Oct 22 '11, 8:22 a.m.

I would like to use Rational Team Concert as my repository for development with Integration Designer (which used to be WebSphere Ingetration Designer (WID)).

Does anybody know if that is possible (I would assume it is) and secondly where I can find the manual describing how to install the Rational Team Concert Client V3 into the Integration Designer Workbench?
I have found this here in the Information Center:

But first of all it does not describe in detail how to do the installation for V3 and secondly when I tried to the IBM Installation Manager I could do it for Eclipse but it does not work for the Integration Designer.
At least it gives me can error message during installation when I try to select the Integration Designer directory to install it in. As there is no eclipse.exe in that directory.

Any info how to use RTC with BPM 7.5 would be nice.

All the best


4 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 24 '11, 4:18 a.m.

in general you can install RTC into eclipse based tools. See for RTC 3.0.1.

There have been several threads about WID in thisforum, which I found using the search forum for example; and

In general there is a dependency on the Eclipse version used by the tools. RTC 3.x (see realease notes) is at Eclipse 3.5/3.6. This has to match the version of the target tools. You might have to use an older RTC version for WID. Please check which version your WID is on. In addition, some tools have RTC packaged. It is sometimes better to not install that packaged version. This allows to use the external IM to update your installs easier later.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 25 '11, 2:54 a.m.
Hi Thorsten,

according to

RTC 3.x is supported with this tool.

There are two options how the install might work - there is no change since RTC 2.x.

1. Often the products come with an option to install RTC with the product. I typically don't use that because upgrade is harder later.

2. You install RTC into the product which is my preferred option. I am not completely sure if you can install into an existing package group (the wizard window before choosing to install into Eclipse). If not, IM will complain and you have to find the folder that contains the exe file for Eclipse.

This is the general outline how, I think, it works. You could ask the Integration Developer people how that is supposed to work or hope someone has done that already and can answer the question.

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Thorsten Biegner (61) | answered Oct 25 '11, 6:45 a.m.
OK I figured it out.
So RTC 3.0 definetly works really nice with Integration Designer 7.5.

The important thing to remember is when installing the RTC Eclipse plug-in is to select "use already existing package" (or the option which describes this I don't have the option infront of me).

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 25 '11, 6:50 a.m.
Thanks for providing the answer!

So there are two options if installing into IBM/Eclipse tools.

1. Pick the existing Package group if IM allows you to
2. Pick the Eclipse.exe if not.

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