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Trouble with State transition using OSLC

Karthik Krishnan (8847121163) | asked Oct 14 '11, 9:28 a.m.

I have a custom work item type in which I have 3 states: New, In Progress and Closed

I am trying to perform the State Transition on this work item type using OSLC.

New ->In progress works
In progress -> Closed works
New -> Closed does not work

But New -> Closed works via RTC Web client.

using OSLC do I need to perform New -> In Progress and then Closed?

any one has experience this

Karthik Krishnan

5 answers

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Andre Weinand (4811) | answered Oct 14 '11, 10:10 a.m.

I'm not aware of a mechanism for performing a state transition through the OSLC-CM. What approach are you using?

State transitions can only performed through workflow Actions. You cannot change the state of a work item in order to perform a state transition. Actually, the state attribute is read-only.

So if you want to perform a state transition from "New" to "Closed" you need an explicit action that does this.


Andre Weinand
RTC Work Item Team

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Karthik Krishnan (8847121163) | answered Oct 17 '11, 4:39 a.m.
Hi andre,

I perform the state change with action as the PUT URL. That is no problem.

New -> In Progress and In Progress to Closed works perfectly file (via perl script using OSLC)

Only New -> Closed (via script) does not work

was wondering if I need to perform New -> In Progress -> Closed in order to perform New -> Closed


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 17 '11, 9:10 a.m.
The legal state transitions are defined by the Process Configuration of
your project area. A script can only perform legal state transitions.
So if you want to be able to transition New -> Closed, you'd need to add
that transition to the Process Configuration of your project area.


On 10/17/2011 4:53 AM, karthikkrishnan wrote:
Hi andre,

I perform the state change with action as the PUT URL. That is no

New -> In Progress and In Progress to Closed works perfectly file
(via perl script using OSLC)

Only New -> Closed (via script) does not work

was wondering if I need to perform New -> In Progress -> Closed
in order to perform New -> Closed


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Karthik Krishnan (8847121163) | answered Oct 17 '11, 9:48 a.m.
The legal state transitions are defined by the Process Configuration of
your project area. A script can only perform legal state transitions.
So if you want to be able to transition New -> Closed, you'd need to add
that transition to the Process Configuration of your project area.


Hi Glen,

New->Closed in my workitem is a legal state transition. I am able to perform this via Web GUI. Just that I am not able to do that via OSLC


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Karthik Krishnan (8847121163) | answered Oct 18 '11, 8:17 a.m.
this clearly seems to be my mistake. I have fixed this now. Thanks for your replies

Sudeshna Mitra commented Aug 10 '12, 10:17 a.m.

Hi Karthik,

How to change workitem state using OSLC can you please help me?

Karthik Krishnan commented Aug 13 '12, 8:37 a.m.

You can setup the next status in XML and do a "Put" using OSLC.

Sudeshna Mitra commented Aug 13 '12, 9:51 a.m.

Can you please give the request String and the URL where to "PUT" the request string. any example ????

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