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Will updating to 1.0 allow the burndown chart to appear in p

James D'Anjou (20111511) | asked Jun 30 '08, 7:25 p.m.
As of beta 3 the chart presented on in an iteration plan was not the
burndown report. Will moving to 1.0 resolve that or is it embedded in
the process area definition (I looked but could not find anything)?

Jim D'Anjou

4 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Jul 01 '08, 1:14 a.m.
Jim, yes it is possible. All you have to do is deploy a report that has an id of apt.WorkItems
The report must be a work items reports with the following parameters: ProjectAreaName, TeamAreaName, Iteration.
The first image in the report must be bookmarked as "chart".
I need to confirm that the burndown report satisfies those conditions out of the box. If not, we can send you a version that does.
All you have to do is deploy the report to the server and give it as id: apt.WorkItems
I will write a tech note for this undocumented feature.
check work item 46711.

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Erich Gamma (18687) | answered Jul 01 '08, 1:48 a.m.
The chart shown in the iteration plan editor can be sensitive to the used process template. The 1.0 version of the Scrum template leverages the support that Rafik mentioned in his reply. When creating a project area with the 1.0 version of the Scrum template then the iteration plan editor shows a burn down chart.

Jazz PMC

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Peter Haumer (2.2k12019) | answered Jul 08 '08, 5:47 p.m.

Are there any incompatibilities when migrating your beta3 project to 1.0?
When I click on the Chart tab of any plan in my project all it shows is
"Open Work Items by Type: No work items were found." and my server
connection actually gets closed, i.e. I have to log back into the project
afterwards. I followed the steps in the FAQ to create a "APT Report" using
the Open vs Closed Report. It showed now "APT Report: No work items were
found.", but the behavior was the same (disconnected from project). Client
and server logs do not show any messages. I can run the reports manually
just fine.


"rjaouani" <rjaouani> wrote in message
Jim, yes it is possible. All you have to do is deploy a report that
has an id of apt.WorkItems
The report must be a work items reports with the following parameters:
ProjectAreaName, TeamAreaName, Iteration.
The first image in the report must be bookmarked as
I need to confirm that the burndown report satisfies those conditions
out of the box. If not, we can send you a version that does.
All you have to do is deploy the report to the server and give it as
id: apt.WorkItems
I will write a tech note for this undocumented feature.
check work item 46711.

permanent link
James Moody (3.3k24) | answered Jul 09 '08, 10:18 a.m.
Hi Peter,

Your server connection getting closed sounds like a problem - I've not
seen that behaviour, nor do I know of any reasons why it might happen.
Can you open a bug report against the Reports component with details on
how to reproduce it, and any details of your setup that might be important?


Peter Haumer wrote:

Are there any incompatibilities when migrating your beta3 project to 1.0?
When I click on the Chart tab of any plan in my project all it shows is
"Open Work Items by Type: No work items were found." and my server
connection actually gets closed, i.e. I have to log back into the project
afterwards. I followed the steps in the FAQ to create a "APT Report" using
the Open vs Closed Report. It showed now "APT Report: No work items were
found.", but the behavior was the same (disconnected from project). Client
and server logs do not show any messages. I can run the reports manually
just fine.


"rjaouani"<rjaouani> wrote in message
Jim, yes it is possible. All you have to do is deploy a report that
has an id of apt.WorkItems
The report must be a work items reports with the following parameters:
ProjectAreaName, TeamAreaName, Iteration.
The first image in the report must be bookmarked as
I need to confirm that the burndown report satisfies those conditions
out of the box. If not, we can send you a version that does.
All you have to do is deploy the report to the server and give it as
id: apt.WorkItems
I will write a tech note for this undocumented feature.
check work item 46711.

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