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Assets in review state of LC not appearing in Dashboard

iRAM Administrator (3152156135) | asked Sep 02 '11, 10:08 a.m.
We are presently facing one issue in "My Dashboard" section of Production server.
Whenever assets are passing through any life cycle and comes in the Review state, they are not appearing in "Assets to review" section of "My Dashboard" of the assigned reviewers. Though the same feature is working fine in our Test Server, we are facing this strange issue only in Production environment.
One more point to be noted is that the same feature works fine when the asset triggers a Legacy Review process and is in Review state.
The issue exists for all the old and newly submitted assets triggering the life cycles.
As per our opinion, this issue should not be related to indexer as the problem exists only for life cycles and feature works fine for legacy review processes.
Please suggest us what can be done to resolve the issue? Would index rebuild resolve the problem or is there some other way to investigate and debug the issue?
Payal Agrawal

5 answers

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Sep 02 '11, 5:01 p.m.
The information in this table is computed from the index. If you submit asset A to a lifecycle with a reviewer, can you search for asset A on the search page? Once asset A shows up as a result on the search page the reviewer should see the asset in the 'Assets to Review' table on the 'My Dashboard' page.

Rebuilding the index probably will not help if this functionality is not working for new assets. If you look in the ramJobServerDebug.log file do you see any messages that state 'Error indexing reviewer data for asset ...'. If so, then please post them as they should explain why reviewers are not being indexed properly.

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iRAM Administrator (3152156135) | answered Sep 05 '11, 12:40 p.m.
If we submit asset A to a lifecycle with a reviewer, we are able to search for asset A on the search page. But asset A do not show up in the 'Assets to Review' table on the 'My Dashboard' page.
Also we can see the messages that state 'Error indexing reviewer data for asset ...' in the ramJobServerDebug.log file.
Please let us know if we can attach log files here or do you want us to send them through email.

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Sep 06 '11, 9:28 a.m.
I do not believe it's possible to attach files to posts in this forum. Please send the logs to the address listed in my profile. Thanks.

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iRAM Administrator (3152156135) | answered Sep 12 '11, 12:31 p.m.
Sent the log file to the address in the profile.
FYI...we also have a PMR opened for this issue. PMR # is 11725,550,000.

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Sep 12 '11, 1:55 p.m.
Based on the messages in the log file, you are encountering the following bug.
It is fixed in Will you be able to upgrade your production server soon? If not, the issue would have to be addressed in a new fix pack for your current version of RAM.

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