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Configuring conditions while setting up lifecycle

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | asked Aug 03 '11, 7:50 a.m.

Can you please help me with the below doubt regarding configuring conditions for check during state transitions.

Once the policy is configured when i try to configure conditions to be checked during state transition, I am facing a problem.

Consider Condition 1 , Condition 2 and Condition 3 are policies, I want a state transition to happen if and only if Condition 1 is true AND either of Condition 2 OR Condition 3 is true.

Is this possible? I am not really able to understand how the OR conditions actually work.

Appreciate your help!


14 answers

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Aug 03 '11, 9:33 a.m.
Yes, this is possible. In the condition editor follow these steps.

1. Click 'Add Condition', select policy 1, and click 'Add'
2. Select 'AND' from the drop down menu in the policy 1 row and click the plus icon
3. In the new row, choose policy 2 and click 'Add'
4. In the row with policy 2, select 'OR' from the drop down menu and click the plus icon.
5. In the new row, select policy 3 and click the 'Add' button.

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Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | answered Aug 04 '11, 12:00 a.m.

Thanks for the reply.
I followed the steps but I am facing 2 issues while doing this:
1. In the row with policy 2, after selecting OR button and clicking on the plus icon, a new row appears. I select policy 3 and click on the ADD button. The OR condition automatically chages to AND. Is that correct?

2. Suppose only policy 1 and policy 2 passes and policy 3 fails, this action should logically execute and state transition must happen, but when i tested it, the state transition seems to fail and it says policy 3 hasnt executed.

I am confused! Can you please advise.


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Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Aug 05 '11, 10:02 a.m.
1. ... It should not change. Assume you clicked the OR on the pol. 2, and really clicked the Add on that row.

2. 3 failed, or not executed.

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Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | answered Aug 07 '11, 11:39 p.m.
1. Ideally yup it should not change. I choose the OR from the dropdown in policy 2, a new row appears, i selected policy 3 click on ADD.
NOW, the OR in policy 2 automatically changed to AND and the new row also has AND condition. However, there is a ORANGE bar on the left of these 2 policies which has OR written on it.
The condition is something as follows:
policy 1 is approve AND+ Remove
policy 1 is approve AND+ Remove
Hope I am not too confusing! :roll:

2. policy 3 failed. But since I have configured policy 2 or policy 3 condition as shown above, i thought the transition might happen. But it didnt :(

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Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Aug 08 '11, 11:06 a.m.
Which Browser are you using?

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Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | answered Aug 09 '11, 8:31 a.m.
I am using Internet Explorer 8

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Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Aug 09 '11, 11:01 a.m.
The ANDs and ORs in the drop down menus are just for adding new rules. They do not define the rules. You want to look at the ANDs and ORs in the blue and orange boxes to see the current rules. Here's a screenshot of what it should look like after you have defined your rules.

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Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | answered Aug 10 '11, 2:35 a.m.
After I add the rules, I see the AND written in the drop box
Here's the screenshot below:

Is that fine? Will that create a problem when the transition happens?

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Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Aug 10 '11, 9:56 a.m.
Do not worry about the combos on the right hand side ... they are there to enable you to add more predicates. It is the left hand side the specifies what is it going to do.

Are you saying that it does not (assuming you saved it).

Note: when you change the community configuration, existing life cycles (pre 7.5.1) will not pick this up. ... you will have to go to the asset -> Collaboration and edit the specific lifecycle.

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Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | answered Aug 11 '11, 3:07 a.m.
Yeah, even if one of the policies in the OR condition becomes true, the transition doesn't happen unless policies passes.

The steps i took were as follows:

Step 1: I configured 4 policies (All of which are the default policies in RAM). Please see the screenshot below of the policy configuration in the lifecycles tab
Step 2: I configured the AND/OR conditions of the policies for action. Please see the screenshot:-
Step 3: I submitted an asset of Asset type :- "Service"
Step 4: The asset went into the draft state and in the Collaborators section it showed Policy 4 failed.
Step 5: when i tried to manually transition the asset to the next state, the transition also failed and the asset remained in the original state. Please refer the screenshot attached:-

Final Result:
The asset did not transition to the next state of the lifecycle.

As per the conditions configured since the asset submitted is of type "Service" and the Policy 3 passed and Policy 1, and 2 passed, shouldn't the transition have happened?

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