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RTC trial version not working

Thomas Clemente (111) | asked Feb 02 '11, 8:46 a.m.
How do I resolve below problem?
The package specified in the C:\Rational\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the C:\Rational\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the C:\Rational\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the C:\Rational\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.

10 answers

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Chris Daly (61651) | answered Jun 02 '11, 3:45 p.m.
The errors described here look like they could result from temporary network connectivity problems when IM is trying to get the installation bits from

One way to workaround such network issues is to download the full install repository and point IM to it for the install. For example, the 3.0.1 RC3 repositories are posted in the "Installation Manager Repositories" section here:

Each milestone we post has a similar section of zipped IM repositories. Once you've successfully downloaded the IM repository, use the IM preferences dialog to add this repository (hint: point IM at the directory containing the repository.config file, or directly at the repository.config file) and then try the install again.

Chris Daly
Jazz Install team

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Frank Yuan (6121) | answered Mar 04 '11, 2:06 a.m.
I receive the same error when install RTC 3.0 with web installer. Would like to know if this is a bug.

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Kevin Crocker (20185) | answered Mar 08 '11, 2:49 p.m.
When will the site be up and running again? I saw the outage notice - but that makes it difficult to install RTC 3 et al.

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Kevin Crocker (20185) | answered Mar 08 '11, 2:50 p.m.
Just curious - today was my day to try to install RTC 3.

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James Sullivan (1521842) | answered Apr 13 '11, 2:38 p.m.
We are installing on Solaris and receiving the same error. the package specified in the silent-install-server2.xml file cannot be found, and he package specified in the silent-install-server2.xml file cannot be found.

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James Sullivan (1521842) | answered Apr 13 '11, 2:39 p.m.
How do I resolve below problem?
The package specified in the C:\Rational\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the C:\Rational\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the C:\Rational\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the C:\Rational\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.

We are installing on Solaris and receiving the same error. the package specified in the silent-install-server2.xml file cannot be found, and he package specified in the silent-install-server2.xml file cannot be found.

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Christian Bolik (611) | answered May 02 '11, 11:11 a.m.
Getting the same error when installing 3.0 iFix1 on Windows 7 64-bit. Any update yet on how to get past this?

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David Dunnell (6) | answered May 25 '11, 2:26 p.m.
I get the same error. Has there been any fix to this?

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Stephen Gentleman (6) | answered Jun 17 '11, 4:42 a.m.
As suggested by Chris, I downloaded the IM repository (following his link, 1.4GB compressed), used the IM preferences dialog to point directly at the repository.config file and then tried the install again. It went in first time. Thanks for the advice Chris.

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Ankit Vashistha (125927) | answered Apr 02 '14, 12:54 a.m.

The repository is available via the web client using a proxy and Installation Manager is not configured to use it. Installation Manager can be configured to use a proxy under File > Preferences > Internet > HTTP Proxy.

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