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iRAM XML report fails to load

iRAM Administrator (3152156135) | asked Sep 16 '10, 12:05 p.m.
I tried to use a search and not able to get the XML file. with firefox it crashes and IE takes forever and hangs. The search I am using is:|asset:shortcut=ramSearch:(1fGroup%2Cibm_software_expertise_client_facing_community%24Classification%2Cibm_software_expertise_client_facing_categories)

When I goto iRAM site and search by Community "IBM Software Expertise Client Facing Community" and Category "IBM Software Expertise Client Facing Categories" I get back 1-25 of 2.749 results. when I use same search string above to get XML, not working

But it is successful when I tried to fetch the XML file using best practice Category which is having 342 assets. Got the XML file successfully in both of the browsers Firefox and IE using the below URL :|asset:shortcut=ramSearch:(1fGroup%2Cibm_software_expertise_client_facing_community%24Classification%2Cbest_practice).

Is there any limitation of using the Reporting URL's?

Thank You.

One answer

permanent link
Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Sep 16 '10, 3:17 p.m.

The problem is that it is huge. It is being sent down but it is 34.5 MB
of data. It is marked as inline (text/xml), and not as an attachment, so
it automatically tries to send it to your default xml browser, which is
usually IE. It is too big for IE and causes things to crash.

I used DownloadThemAll and specifically put that URL into it and told it
to put to file and not default open. In that case I was able to bring it

But it is one long string (it is not formatted for reading by person, it
is formatted for being processed by machine) so it is unreadable.


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