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Missing root services.

Jan Roman (11) | asked Sep 02 '10, 11:20 a.m.
I am trying to use Resource Oriented API version 2.0 (
Two feautures I need are
1) to retrieve list of work items from RTC server,
2) to create work item.

But In my root services I have no services mentioned in documentation:
- oslc_cm:simpleQuery
- oslc_cm:factory

However I can create comment using OSLC like this:

curl -D - $opts -H \"Content-Type: application/x-oslc-cm-change-request+json\" -H \"Accept: text/json\" -X POST -d \"{\\\"dc:description\\\":\\\"My new comment 4th edition\\\"}\" $host/oslc/workitems/$workItemNumber/rtc_cm:comments

my root services are:
<?xml version="1.0"?>


Default root service registry document for an RTC server.
Contains contributions for core JFS services and components
and OSLC Change Management.
Specification is available at

<!-- Add descriptive title here -->
<dc:title xml:lang="en">Rational Team Concert</dc:title>

<!-- List of friends (applications known to this application) -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- Viewlet-related properties -->
rdf:resource="" />

rdf:resource="" />

<!-- Default root service registry document for a JFS server. -->

rdf:resource="" />

rdf:resource="" />


rdf:resource="" />

rdf:resource="" />

rdf:resource="" />

<!-- service for finding users and getting user info -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- Service to redirect to the resource that represents the authenticated user -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- JFS storage service -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- JFS SPARQL query service -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- Put RTC changes in here, so we do not have to merge all the time : START -->

<!-- Change Management service catalog -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- Put RTC changes in here, so we do not have to merge all the time : END -->

<!-- JFS indexing service -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- JFS revisions and history of storage resources -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- JFS full text search -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- JFS baseline service -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- JFS mailer service -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- Project areas service. This service is provisional and may change in the next release. -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- Process templates service. This service is provisional and may change in the next release. -->
rdf:resource="" />

<!-- Process security service. This service is provisional and may change in the next release. -->


How can I reach my goals?

My software versions are:
Jazz Foundation - Jazz Team Server version: iFix 3 build: I20100602-1000
Rational Team Concert version: iFix 3 build: I20100602-1000

3 answers

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Steve Speicher (31765) | answered Sep 10 '10, 8:38 a.m.
You need to grab this URl from oslc_cm:cmServiceProviders and it will lead you to the ServiceProviderCatalog resource, which can then get the ServiceProvider element, which has a URI to fetch it. From there, you'll find it.

This article should be helpful in explaining how to traverse the service discovery chain of documents

permanent link
sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Sep 17 '10, 3:45 p.m.
I am writing an application, using the api documented in the referenced document. I am using the non-ssl urls, as my server rejects self signed certificates, with no workaround available.

I successfully get the serviceprovider entry from the root services document.

but when I request that document (open that url) via my program, I get a 302 'moved' response, to an authorization service.

when I do this in the browser I am requested to logon with my jazz userid/pw... but I my application is not a browser. I supplied the basic auth credential header on the request for the catalog (service provider link), but I only get back the authentication request..

get , http://xx.xx.xx.xx:9080/jazz/oslc/workitems/catalog
response, 302

that document returns the html & javascript to invoke the logon panel.

<body class="tundra">
<noscript><div id="net-jazz-ajax-NoScriptMessage">Javascript is either disabled or not available in your Browser</div></noscript>
<div id="net-jazz-ajax-InitialLoadMessage">Loading...</div>
<div id="net-jazz-ajax-WorkbenchRoot"></div>

what did I miss?
the document at also does not document any requirement to 'login' as part of the discovery sequence.



permanent link
sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Sep 20 '10, 5:01 p.m.
here is the net answer. strategy for either kind of logon


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