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Deliver Modified Files

Jack Hall (3655) | asked Jul 13 '10, 2:11 p.m.
Hello, I am having trouble getting the changes I am making to files in a change set to be carried over in to the deliver.

I have written a precondition that runs before a deliver and checks to make sure that some general book keeping comments are contained in the file. after i make the change I insert the new content in to the existing I file. Then the deliver continues on and succeeds.

The problem is that when you compare the file in the stream with the local file you notice that the changes that the precondition made are only reflected in the local file. The file in the stream remains as it did before the deliver.

My question is how to get these changes to carry over in to the deliver.

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Jul 16 '10, 4:35 a.m.

My best guess is the content needs to be saved before delivery.


Hello, I am having trouble getting the changes I am making to files in a change set to be carried over in to the deliver.

I have written a precondition that runs before a deliver and checks to make sure that some general book keeping comments are contained in the file. after i make the change I insert the new content in to the existing I file. Then the deliver continues on and succeeds.

The problem is that when you compare the file in the stream with the local file you notice that the changes that the precondition made are only reflected in the local file. The file in the stream remains as it did before the deliver.

My question is how to get these changes to carry over in to the deliver.

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Jack Hall (3655) | answered Aug 04 '10, 4:01 p.m.
My solution for this can be found here.

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