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Quesitons in Source control area

Susan Wu (4712116) | asked Jun 11 '10, 6:34 p.m.
edited Oct 10 '17, 2:24 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)


My client has the following questions, with my answers.. can someone from the Jazz development team pls verify the accuracy?

1-Is it possible to remove a baseline?
I don't see such an option so I would say no?

2. Is it possible to create baseline only on few change sets or work items for any component?
Not possible I don't think, at least not in current RTC2002?

3. Is it possible to lock a stream?
Other than restrict everyone's access to deliver changes to a stream via permission setting in the project area, I don't see other option of locking it?

4. Is it possible to lock a component?
Other than add a pre-condition to Restrict Change set delivery to components in a stream, I don't see other options can lock a component?

5. I have created one pre condition which will not allow developer to deliver code without associating change set to work item. So, If I move work item from one project area to another project area, Will I be able to access code from other project area? How do we sync these changes?

Thanks for any response in advanced!

Susan Wu
Jazz/RTC Support

Accepted answer

permanent link
Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jun 14 '10, 9:17 a.m.
edited Oct 10 '17, 2:36 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)

Hello Susan,

1 - There is no obvious option to remove a baseline but it is possible to replace with another baseline. It doesn't remove the baseline from history but the contents of the component will be whatever is in the baseline selected for replacement.

2 - Yes. A baseline can be created even if no change sets have been created since the last baseline.

3 - RTC locks specified resources for a specified stream. To prevent users from delivering to stream using permissions is similar to locking but locking is intended to be temporary (eg. lock a file while making changes, unlock after delivering changes) while permissions encompass the project/team area.

In RTC 6.0.2 the ability to lock a stream and components was added.
-New & Noteworthy Mention:
-Stream/Component Locking Demo Video:
-SCM Command Line Client 'set lock' command:

4 - Similar to 3, locking is on a set of resources.
In RTC 6.0.2 the ability to lock a stream and components was added.
-New & Noteworthy Mention:
-Stream/Component Locking Demo Video:
-SCM Command Line Client 'set lock' command:

5 - Moving a work item to another project area does not move associated change sets. Access to the other project area is dependent on the user's permissions.



My client has the following questions, with my answers.. can someone from the Jazz development team pls verify the accuracy?

1-Is it possible to remove a baseline?
I don't see such an option so I would say no?

2. Is it possible to create baseline only on few change sets or work items for any component?
Not possible I don't think, at least not in current RTC2002?

3. Is it possible to lock a stream?
Other than restrict everyone's access to deliver changes to a stream via permission setting in the project area, I don't see other option of locking it?

4. Is it possible to lock a component?
Other than add a pre-condition to Restrict Change set delivery to components in a stream, I don't see other options can lock a component?

5. I have created one pre condition which will not allow developer to deliver code without associating change set to work item. So, If I move work item from one project area to another project area, Will I be able to access code from other project area? How do we sync these changes?

Thanks for any response in advanced!

Susan Wu
Jazz/RTC Support

David Lafreniere selected this answer as the correct answer

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