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RTC / CQ Connector errors

Martin Ertz (1643) | asked May 10 '10, 11:10 a.m.
Good morning!

After spending nearly two days trying to get a connection between RTC and CQ working, I'm at a loss of how to proceed.

I've read pretty much all the documentation on both and from IBM's resource library, but despite multiple attempts to get a working sync between these two systems I'm stuck.

10 May 2010 09:53:28,466
ERROR - Problem with project area SetupTest2 on Jazz server

...Is the error I'm getting. The project area it refers to is archived - I'm guessing this is the cause of failure, but I've not been able to find a way to find/edit this information.

Any ideas? Thanks for any help/advice you can provide.

2 answers

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John Vasta (2.6k15) | answered May 10 '10, 3:08 p.m.
I believe this can happen when you have an archived project area that still has synchronization rules in it. The CQ Connector Gateway attempts to determine which project area a synchronization rule is associated with, and the query it uses does not return archived project areas. It will emit this error message when it cannot find the project area associated with a synchronization rule.

You can work around this by deleting the synchronization rules in the archived project area. (I'm assuming you don't want them any more; you could export them first to preserve them as XML files, in case you ever want to use them again.)

Good morning!

After spending nearly two days trying to get a connection between RTC and CQ working, I'm at a loss of how to proceed.

I've read pretty much all the documentation on both and from IBM's resource library, but despite multiple attempts to get a working sync between these two systems I'm stuck.

10 May 2010 09:53:28,466
ERROR - Problem with project area SetupTest2 on Jazz server

...Is the error I'm getting. The project area it refers to is archived - I'm guessing this is the cause of failure, but I've not been able to find a way to find/edit this information.

Any ideas? Thanks for any help/advice you can provide.

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Martin Ertz (1643) | answered May 10 '10, 3:49 p.m.
Yep, that did it.

I'd like to think I would have thought of something so simple earlier, but was getting to the point of frustration.

Thanks for your help.

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