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Cloning a projects' settings

David Gardner (2132) | asked May 07 '10, 7:00 a.m.

I'm trying to find out if it is possible to clone a project configuration within RTC, so that certain plan/view customisations can be passed from project to project.

This, I believe, is quite separate from copying/creating a process template. I gave this a quick try, creating a new process template based on one of my pilot projects, however this basically gave me a second Scrum template - though minus some of the tweaks and customisations to the views I had hoped to see.

I'd be obliged for any help offered.


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered May 07 '10, 7:55 a.m.

to my knowledge the template will contain only information stored in the Process Customization XML file. If you are able to modify the information there e.g. to create the plan views there you could export it afterwards. I am not sure the changes you desire can be made there though.

Changes at plans you work with in RTC don't leave a trace there. I believe read about several work items in the 3.0 plans that might help with what you are looking for in case they can get implemented.



I'm trying to find out if it is possible to clone a project configuration within RTC, so that certain plan/view customisations can be passed from project to project.

This, I believe, is quite separate from copying/creating a process template. I gave this a quick try, creating a new process template based on one of my pilot projects, however this basically gave me a second Scrum template - though minus some of the tweaks and customisations to the views I had hoped to see.

I'd be obliged for any help offered.


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David Gardner (2132) | answered May 07 '10, 9:05 a.m.
Thanks for the reply Ralph,

I had suspected that this might be the case, but thought I'd better check. I'll have a look at the work items on RTC 3.0 as you suggest.


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