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Export Work Item attributes

joe nguyen (1312) | asked Jun 26, 7:40 a.m.


I have built various custom work item attributes to be used in a EWM project area. Is there a way to export and import these attributes into another existing EWM Project? I understand if I create a template, I can use that template for new project areas but not for existing project areas. This will prevent me from going into all these existing project areas and painstakingly manually create all the custom attributes again. Thanks in advance.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 26, 9:36 a.m.

There is no way to "export/import" customization like that. You can create and export/import templates, but templates can only applied when a project area is created. 

There is a feature called process sharing, that can be used. But it requires that the project area that shares the process is based on the "unconfigured process". I am not aware that you can enable process sharing later. See and the additional links. The product help has also some hints.

If you have not used process sharing, you will have to manually apply the changes to the project areas you want updated.  

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