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Is there a way to schedule the creation of Baselines in ERM Doors NExt 7.0.2?

Robyn Riley (153) | asked Feb 21, 5:02 p.m.

 WE are not using GCM. I have been asked if there is a way to schedule baseline creations in ERM DNG, on different frequencies, or is the creation of baselines a manual process?

Thanks in advance.


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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Feb 22, 2:15 a.m.

 To me, baselines have a meaning and a purpose. Usually baselines are manually created e.g. as a process step. I am not aware that you can set up a schedule to create baselines. It would be possible to use APIs to create baselines and run that on a schedule.

Robyn Riley selected this answer as the correct answer

Robyn Riley commented Feb 23, 10:39 a.m.

Thank you Ralph, I'm trying to explain that to the person who asked for this. He wants to be able to compare modules that have been changed. I suggested that he look at baselining once per week. Our staff recently moved from storing every artifact on SharePoint to using ERM and it's tough to change one's way of thinking.


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