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How to create Report Builder report that shows glossary terms used in particular module?

Agnieszka Zawislak (215) | asked Sep 15 '23, 2:04 p.m.
edited Sep 15 '23, 2:06 p.m.


I would like to create Report Builder report that lists Glossary Terms that I used in the DNG module.

I created the DNG module with Requirements. I linked Requirements to Glossary Terms that I store in another module. 
When building the report I created following relationship in Report Builder:
Module --> (Uses) --> Requirement --> (Reference Term) --> Glossary Term

When I run the report I get nothing. 

It looks like relationship created in DNG between Requirement and Glossary Term is a relationship between two base artifacts.

Could you please advise how to get that list of Glossary Terms used in a module?

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