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Need to split DOORS Next Project into 3 separate projects.

Janet Cook (23110) | asked Apr 26 '23, 3:09 a.m.

 HI all,

Looking for help 
We have a fairly largish DOORS Next project which we need to split up into 3 separate projects in order to restrict visibility.

Certain modules need to be moved out into a separate preject. I know I can export out the artifacts and then reimport them but that creates all new artifacts - I am wondering if there is any way of actually moving the existing artifacts into a new project?

DOORS next Ver 7.0.2
Any help would be appreciated

David Honey commented Apr 26 '23, 3:38 a.m.

I think that export+import is the only way to do this.

One answer

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Bhagath P B (4438) | answered Apr 26 '23, 3:59 a.m.

 Hi Janet,

If the projects are configuration Management enabled, then you can use clone from component, which would help you to retain Artifact ID's


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