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Interface for text fromat

Daniel Kucher (11) | asked Feb 24 '23, 11:01 a.m.

I tried to export formated text from the Requirements Engineering software Ansys Medini to Doors NG.
In the requirment artefact in Doors NG the formated text is displayed as Richtext. Can you tell me why the text is not changed into formated (bold, underlined etc.)?

Exported text from Ansys Medini:
Requirement test - This is it

Text in Doors NG:
<p><strong>Requirement </strong>test - <em>This </em>is it</p>


Many thanks for your help.

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Davyd Norris (2.6k217) | answered Feb 26 '23, 5:19 p.m.
Looks like the text from the other tool is exported in HTML format, not rich text.

How did you do the export/import? Via ReqIF, or via some other means?

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