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IBM App Connect - Integrate ELM (on IBM Cloud) with Jira (on Jira Cloud)

Juan Fernandez García (1111) | asked Nov 18 '22, 2:48 a.m.


I would like to connect an ELM suite which is on IBM Cloud with Jira which is on Jira Cloud, is there any problem to make the connection with "IBM App Connect" considering that both applications are on their own Clouds?

Are there other tools to do this integration? I hear about Tasktop Hub.

Thank you!

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 05 '23, 3:18 a.m.

Any question with respect to integrations requires information about what the integration is supposed to do.

The existing integrations can be found here: 

For App Connect, you should ask in the App Connect forums and not here.
From my knowledge, in App Connect you configure a connection to the data source for each connector/domain. As long as both are accessible from the App Connect system, you should be able to use the App Connect capabilities.

There might be other integration tools like Tasktop that provide their own capabilities, I would look there. Any of the integrations would require to be able to access both repositories.

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