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How to list all repository files within all components in a stream?

Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | asked Aug 24 '22, 7:35 p.m.


I need the list of repository files within a stream. I can get each with the scm but it only shows 1 componenent at the time.
IS there a way to get all of them at once?


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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Aug 25 '22, 2:18 a.m.

 To my knowledge the EWM SCM system is compartmentalized to workspaces, components, etc. The APIs and command lines usually focus on one of such containers and there are commands to get a list of such containers.

If you want to analyze multiple of such containers, you would iterate all of them you are interested in. The command line reference for SCM is in the help , if you want to look into it.

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