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RDNG : inject new artifacts to a prexisting module from a word document.

Vani B (1391275) | asked Jun 21 '22, 7:14 a.m.

 I want to be able to inject new artifacts to a prexisting module from a word document.

<o:p> </o:p>

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Diana Kraaijeveld (57727) | answered Jun 21 '22, 8:52 a.m.
Unfortunately it is not possible to import or update artifacts from Word into an existing Doors Next module.

Alternatively you could:

1) import the artifacts into a  folder and then add them to the module using 'Insert existing artifacts' from the artifact drop down inside the module. For example you could then add them below the desired heading in the module structure.

- or -

2) This would better keep the Word doc structure, depending on your import choices and config of the Word doc you are importing:
-Import them into a temporary new module and when finished, copy (or cut) and paste them from the temp. new module into the desired module. Note: If you copy/paste a heading from a module, it will copy and paste all headings and artifacts below it while their hierarchy is maintained. So if you have one main heading in the temp. module you will only need to copy/paste that heading and all below is copied with it.
Vani B selected this answer as the correct answer

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