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How to extract the work flow in cvs or flow chart from RTC

Tanveer Zubair (211213) | asked May 19 '22, 10:41 a.m.
I have a complex workflow for a work item type.   I did implemented it in RTC.   I like to pull that workflow as a diagram or in cvs file.  Is any way I can do that?


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Davyd Norris (2.6k217) | answered May 19 '22, 7:14 p.m.
edited May 19 '22, 7:15 p.m.
Have a look at Ralph Schoon's EWM workshop, Lab 5, which shows you how to display this via customization:

There was also a really neat workflow Visualiser tool that took the process XML and turned it into diagrams, but the links to it are broken. I have it downloaded if you want to contact me personally

EDIT: Just found the source for it

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