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DNG structure for two organizations working together on requirements in two different instances

Carson Holmes (11113544) | asked Apr 01 '22, 1:28 p.m.

I'm working with two organizations that are working together on a joint project.  Each has their own DNG instance.  It's been a while since I taught DNG classes or even used the tool.  Can someone help me understand the best way to structure the requirements to allow for frequent export/import of requirements to keep both instances of DNG relatively in-sync?  They will both be working on requirements related to each others requirements.  Thanks!

Accepted answer

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Davyd Norris (2.6k217) | answered Apr 01 '22, 8:46 p.m.
The key thing here is to make sure you define the two schemas together, and add a URI to absolutely EVERYTHING that's going to be exchanged - artefacts, attributes, data types, enumeration values.

The easiest way to get this done is to set it up in one project area, then create a ReqIF package to exchange the data, and then import this into a new project area on the other side. Then you can add any additional artefacts etc.

If the two organisations have already got their schemas defined, then it becomes messier - often in that case you're better off setting up a new project area for the import on one side, and then cross linking the artefacts between projects. Otherwise you need to figure out a common schema subset and assign the exact same URIs between them on both sides. Make sure the subset of artefacts are exactly the same otherwise DNG will import the ReqIF and create new types for anything that's not an EXACT match so that it doesn't risk any existing data
Carson Holmes selected this answer as the correct answer

Carson Holmes commented Apr 02 '22, 1:10 a.m.

Thanks Davyd.  That really helps. 

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