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How to fetch resources from Jazz server with JSA enabled?

Chris Pingel (1114) | asked Apr 01 '22, 3:11 a.m.
edited Apr 01 '22, 3:14 a.m.

Hello community,

I am working on a non-Jazz application (in C#) trying to fetch requirements from DOORS NG.
It works fine for my test environment, but I am thinking about Jazz server configurations different than mine.

Currently, I try to figure out which authentication options I should support. Up to now, Form based and Basic is supported, because my test environment is a Jazz Team Server where JSA is disabled.
So, when it comes to JSA / OpenID Connect, is it possible to still challenge Form based or Basic authentication? Is there anything I need to know here? 

I know that there are some pages, wikis and so on, but I did not find an answer to the question what will be different from my application point of view when OIDC / JSA is enabled.

Could you please help me here?

Thanks in advance.

One answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Apr 01 '22, 3:54 a.m.

 This explains how the Jazz Authentications works and it points to the sources of the information:

This authentication works for me for all environments I have worked with so far. You can try to use BASIC authentication as a fallback. I think I have used it against JAS environments and it has worked for me. The blog above explains the whole dance and also has a fallback to BASIC auth, but as far as I am aware this has never been necessary. I forced it for some testing.

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