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RMM TRS Feed Page Not Found

Daniel Chirillo (315) | asked Nov 08 '21, 3:24 p.m.
edited Feb 18 '22, 3:32 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)

I'm trying to explore the the Model Manager reporting capabilities in the 7.0.2 beta:

My Issue
- I stood up a fresh, local 7.0.2 iFix008 server.
- Per instructions, I applied the server patch and uncommented the appropriate elements in services.xml, scr.xml, ext-domains.xml and ext-scr.xml
- The CCM About page shows expected version
- LQE is aware of the 2 new feeds, but https://<server>/ccm/trs2-rmm can't be added because that URL is not found (404). 
- Error on ccm admin diagnostics page: CRJAZ2671E The "" service failed to activate because a service that it depends on, "", is not registered.

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Nov 09 '21, 6:32 a.m.

 From my perspective the RMM server is not working as expected. You have services failing. Not sure if due to the ifix. Go to the admin/diagnostics page of the RMM server to see why. Make sure the setup for all servers works before deploying a fix. Get the system working before trying TRS again. 

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David Lafreniere (4.8k7) | answered Feb 18 '22, 3:31 p.m.

Unfortunately, this Beta server patch, which enables both the RMM and SCM TRS feeds will not work with 7.0.2 iFix007 and above. We created this beta patch on top of 7.0.2 GA (where there were no iFixes). This worked fine in conjunction with iFix001 through iFix006 because neither of the patch zips contained common files. However starting with iFix007, there are updated files that are now appearing in both patch zips. The way the server side patch mechanism works does not support multiple zips with identical files. I have updated the RmmJrsReporting page you referenced to indicate this.

If you want to 'kick the tires' of RMM reporting in JRS, I highly suggest that you try it in a 7.0.3 milestone build (as there have been a few changes in 7.0.3 versus 7.0.2), otherwise you will need to use 7.0.2 iFix006.

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