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DNG : get permissions on the "Save artifact" tree

Jean-François CHAPELLE (6414) | asked Sep 27 '21, 10:35 a.m.

 We try to easily audit the permissions set on "Save Artifact".

We found the request :

  • https: //jazz/rm/service/ Context = 2 & contextId = & owningApplicationKey = JTS-Sentinel-Id & processAreaContext = 1 & processAruweqeqdE05 = Editor

This query returns information in the form :

    <soapenv: Body>
            <method> getPermissions </method>
            <interface> </interface>
            <returnValue xsi: type = "">
                <type> COMPLEX </type>
                <values ​​xsi: type = "rest: PermissionConfigurationDTO">
                    <id> ~ # _ ~ # create ~ # _ ~ # specificType ~ # _ ~ # 1748973292-_SzOKUOuIEeqUT5ZJqkXZYw </id>
                    <enabled> true </enabled>
                <values ​​xsi: type = "rest: PermissionConfigurationDTO">
                    <id> ~ # _ ~ # create ~ # _ ~ # specificType ~ # _ ~ # 1009955535-_Kp8S4OuEEeqUT5ZJqkXZYw </id>
                    <enabled> true </enabled>
                <values ​​xsi: type = "rest: PermissionConfigurationDTO">

These answers seem very interesting to us to carry out our audit, however we would need some additional information about the request :
  • "context = 2": what does this parameter correspond to ?
  • "contextId =": what does this parameter correspond to ?
  • "processAreaContext = 1": what does this parameter correspond to ?
Thank you for your help.



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