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Widgets in DNG

Anusha Banad (196) | asked Aug 13 '21, 5:59 a.m.


The ERM-DN installed in our environment is v7.0.2. The RM Project is GC Enabled.
The comment widget available in DNG shows only the recent comments. Is there any alternative way to have a widget or any kind where in the commenter gets to see all the comments made in the project in the Dashboard page?

Also the change set icon in the recent changes widget is supposed to show the details, but rather when hovered on it the window keeps loading and never loads the details. Why does that keep happening?

Please do let me know on the solution/alternative option for the above mentioned query.

Anusha Banad

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Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered Aug 13 '21, 9:24 a.m.
Hi Anusha,

There are two topics:

1) Widget for comments: There is only widget for recent comments and if you want to see something per module or per the project then it is custom development. We did something similar in the past. You will have to develop a widget that will present such a information.

2) The problem with hovered change set icon can be related to product configuration or just a defect. I strongly suggest opening an IBM ticket. Please check as well if You have the latest IBM iFix installed.

Anusha Banad commented Aug 16 '21, 12:57 a.m.

Hi Bartosz,

Thank you for the quick response.

1) Custom development for widget as in any extension widget already available to deploy or can be done with the help of JRS? Can you please suggest on the steps to be followed to do this?

2) yes, will open a case on the same but we have not deployed fix pack. Will it work fine if we plan to deploy the latest fix pack?

Thanks and Regards,
Anusha Banad

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