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Unable to export DNG Module to xls or xlsx format

Shriraam Balasubramanian (4031339) | asked Jun 17 '21, 6:19 a.m.


I am having a strange issue where I am unable to export my DNG module to .xls or .xlsx format but able to export in .CSV format.

I have more than 200 artifacts in a module and I am doing the following steps:

1.) Open a module.
2.) Right click on the speciifc view -> Select "Export View"-> xlsx or xls

I get empty EXCEL as a result.

Can anyone please help me out.

Best regards,
Shriraam Balasubramanian

Ian Barnard commented Jun 17 '21, 7:17 a.m.

What version+iFix are you using? If you're not running the latest iFix for your version then update to the latest iFix and try again - if it still fails please create a support case.

Shriraam Balasubramanian commented Jun 17 '21, 10:18 a.m.

 Hello Ian,

Thanks for your response.
We're using iFix017

Best regards,

Shriraam Balasubramanian commented Jun 18 '21, 7:23 a.m.

 Hello Ian,

Do I need to create a support case?

Ian Barnard commented Jun 18 '21, 8:39 a.m.

Yes it certainly sounds like you should.

One answer

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Davyd Norris (2.6k217) | answered Jun 17 '21, 7:22 p.m.
I have had clients with this problem and we found it was artefacts in the module that contained unprintable characters or data.

The CSV export often showed these up as strange characters or blanks where there shouldn't be any, but the Excel export would silently fail

Shriraam Balasubramanian commented Jun 18 '21, 7:21 a.m. | edited Jun 18 '21, 7:27 a.m.

What is the solution? What do you mean by unprintable characters?

We dont have any in this case as we have plain text and diagrams in this module.


Davyd Norris commented Jun 18 '21, 9:17 p.m.
Well that's the problem with unprintable characters - you can't see them in the DNG text.

If you look through your CSV export you will sometimes see them as question marks where you don't expect them. The solution is to find them and edit the requirement to remove them

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