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New line appearing in RPE DOORS output

Sean F (1.3k252162) | asked Mar 27 '21, 1:06 p.m.
edited Mar 27 '21, 1:36 p.m.
Why is a new line appearing between the 'bbb' and the artifact text in the following RPE template being used to export artifacts in a DOORS Next module when no new line appears between the 'aaa' and the 'bbb'?

zoomed in a bit to see the 3rd text cell - it is querying the richtextBody and returning the correct result but publishing with a new line prepended

Normally a new line should only appear if a paragraph element occurs between text elements but here a new line appears between 'bbb' and rich text body:-.

If I change the text cell to instead publish the 'title' attribute then I get the correct output with no new line.

But Title is no use since it is a truncated version of primary text limited to something like 256 chars

If I change the text cell to use Primary Text instead of Title (with the same context as Title) then I get 'data attribute not found'

Primary Text might be a workaround but the rich text would be better.

But if PrimaryText  gives 'data attribute not found' then even this workaround is not working.

Accepted answer

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Mar 27 '21, 2:49 p.m.
You can either use primaryText or div attribute.
primaryText attribute will give stripped down version (without formatting) and you should append ptext=true parameter in the request URL so as to get this attrbute.
The value returned by div attribute will include <div> element, resulting in line break, which is expected.
Sean F selected this answer as the correct answer

Sean F commented Mar 28 '21, 11:08 a.m.
Thanks Prasad

I got that working with primaryText using ptext=true

Is there any way to grab the richText from the <div> element and insert a string at the start of the richText so that this string appears at the beginning of the richText with no new line in between the string and the richText?

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