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Setting up CLM in a Distributed Environment

Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | asked Oct 21 '20, 8:13 a.m.
We are setting up a new CLM instance in a distributed environment.  I have installed all the applications on their applicable servers. 

I have JTS setup and configured - however, there is no "setup" option at the individual applications - so exactly how do I set those up - all the information I can find on distributed just show diagrams of how it should look but there is nothing about setting up / installing / configuring for example CCM or RQM when they're on other servers.  

It looks like I have to do a register application in JTS and tell it where to find CCM and RQM ? is that a fair statement.

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Davyd Norris (2.6k217) | answered Oct 21 '20, 7:16 p.m.
It's really important to set up a web proxy when installing in a distributed environment. Then all the apps use a common URL with their various extensions. This is a must before you run the setup on the JTS.

From memory if you do this then the apps are discovered automatically through the common URL, but if not then you will need to manually add them in. After that the setup application will handle their configuration
Karen Steele selected this answer as the correct answer

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