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Test Case Result for only last TCER

Unknown User (19136) | asked Sep 29 '20, 4:09 a.m.

 We have a requirement to create a Report which gives the complete informatiion about a Test Plan, Its Test Suites, Test Cases, TCER, & Test Result Status, Affected WorkItem and affected Requiremnt due to failue of a Test Case.I am able to do this using JRS but the problem is its gives me the status of all the TCERs which was run for a given Test Plan. Can you suggest the way by which I can get the report only for the previous TCERs instead of all.

Brett Bohnn commented Sep 30 '20, 6:09 p.m.


What do you mean by "only the previous TCERs?"


Brett Bohnn commented Oct 01 '20, 9:02 a.m. | edited Oct 01 '20, 9:11 a.m.

This may not help but perhaps try a condition in the report using Last Update Date on the QM Test Execution Record (using the LQE data source).


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Karthik Sirimulla (1811) | answered Dec 01 '20, 2:56 a.m.

 Hi Venkat,

To view the data affected due to a failure of test case, you can build a report in JRS and add a relationship "Last Failed Test case result " between Test case execution record and Test case result. This relationship gives the information about only the latest failed result.


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