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Eclipse client API: questions regarding unresolved files that require merge

Gidi Gal (962058) | asked Sep 23 '20, 5:12 a.m.

My questions relate to the following scenario:
1) User has an unresolved file.
2) The file is also part of incoming change-set.
3) User accepts the change-set. As a result, the file requires merge.

 I need to find out when file is in that state. I found out that;.getLocalConflictSource() contains instance of the file in such scenario.

My questions:
1) Are the instances in this container relevant only to the scenario I mentioned ? Are there other scenarios that add instances to this container ?
2) Is there a parallel public API to find such instances ?

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Sep 25 '20, 5:47 a.m.

After accepting the change set, if you have not merged the files, then the files are in conflict. To get the conflict report:


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