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issue in email notifications

Sudarshan M (107121) | asked Aug 13 '20, 2:02 a.m.

 why there is no email for all users? when I add 5 users in comment section of work item not all users are getting mail, out of 5 only 2 are getting rest are not receiving, also when user is user is replying to that mail no response.

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 13 '20, 3:37 a.m.
If a user gets a mail or not depends on their personal mail notification settings. There is no enforcement to send mail to all users.

There is no documented feature that a response to the notification mail does anything. Best case it gets stuck in the inbox of the technical user account that is used to send the e-mail - which is easy enough to see in the notification. It should probably be configured as a no-response account.

If you want a different functionality, you would have to set up and develop it on your own.

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Sudarshan M (107121) | answered Aug 13 '20, 3:42 a.m.

 Hi Ralph,

could you please elaborate little more!

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 13 '20, 8:58 a.m.

I don't know what to elaborate here.

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Aug 18 '20, 10:15 a.m.

 Users can view / update their Email preferences by choosing "View my profile and licenses" from the pull-down alongside the display of one's name ( Web UI ).   The email settings looks like this:

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