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Why do some RM links have "shortcut-type" arrows?

John-Paul Coetzee (1314) | asked Jul 29 '20, 6:18 a.m.
edited Jul 29 '20, 7:10 a.m.
I have links in different modules to the same source requirement. In some modules the link has a little "shortcut-type" arrow but not in others. Why?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Ian Barnard (2.0k613) | answered Jul 29 '20, 7:15 a.m.

 Hi John-Paul

The icons with what you call shortcut markers are links to the base artifact - without the marker are links to module artifacts.

See here below heading Links to base artifacts and artifacts in modules for more information (this is for 7.0.1 - you can choose your version in "Change version or product" dropdown in the blue header)

Obviously I don't know what you're particularly trying to achieve with your linking, but in general if you are using modules then it's a good idea to only use links between artifacts in modules, i.e. don't create links between artifacts in modules and base artifacts.


John-Paul Coetzee selected this answer as the correct answer

John-Paul Coetzee commented Jul 29 '20, 9:58 a.m.

Ah OK, thank you. These blue arrows appeared when I copied some artifacts from a folder and pasted them into an artifact. The original artifacts did not have the blue arrow, the pasted copies did have the arrow. Note that BOTH copies refer to the linked artifact as being in a module. Is this what you would expect?

John-Paul Coetzee commented Jul 29 '20, 9:59 a.m.

Ah OK, thank you. These blue arrows appeared when I copied some artifacts from a folder and pasted them into an artifact. The original artifacts did not have the blue arrow, the pasted copies did have the arrow. Note that BOTH copies refer to the linked artifact as being in a module. Is this what you would expect?

John-Paul Coetzee commented Jul 29 '20, 11:06 a.m.
Apologies for double-posting above.
I am confused as to why the link icon changes when I move the VBT.... artifact, or copy it, or duplicate it.
The "55465:TESTREQ..." artifact at the other end of the link hasn't changed and is still part of a module ("GFRPT-160503"), so why does the icon change to suggest it is now a base artifact?

Ian Barnard commented Jul 29 '20, 12:14 p.m.

Ah - embedding one artifact A in another B makes a link in B to the base artifact of A - you don't have any choice, these can only be links to the base artifact, i.e. you can't make module<>module embedding links.

John-Paul Coetzee commented Jul 30 '20, 3:49 a.m.
So when I move (or copy, or duplicate) artifact 77486, the link changes from pointing to to artifact 55465 in a module to pointing to the base artifact of 55465?

Thanks for your continued help, I'm quite new to DOORS NG and there's a lot to learn!

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