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Load workspace with changed components Only

Smita Kanagalekar (514) | asked Jul 23 '20, 1:32 p.m.

 We are using RTC as SCM tool. Have very huge codebase(around 40K sources and 100 components). We are using Jenkins CICD pipeline to checkout sources.

              The process is

              Development team delivers sources to RTC stream. Build Workspace is attached to the stream. When the checkout step happens from Jenkins all the components from the stream are checked out. Is there anyway, where we can checkout only changed components ? This is taking huge time to checkout whole workspace.

              Or is there any API where we can compare 2 RTC workspaces and get only changed components? This we need to do in scripting.

              Appreciate your reply as this is hampering most of the stuffs.

Smita Kanagalekar commented Jul 23 '20, 9:38 p.m.

This is urgent. Can anyone from Jazz team please advise on this ? 

Lakshmi Narasimhan T V commented Jul 24 '20, 12:45 a.m. | edited Jul 24 '20, 12:54 a.m.
You can use any of the following two options to only download the incremental changes into the sandbox.

Check step 12.m

You can use "Do an optimized incremental load" under certain conditions. You will need build toolkit version 7.0.1 and Team Concert Plugin 2.1.0 and build definition in the Jenkins job configuration.

Smita Kanagalekar commented Jul 24 '20, 1:09 a.m.

 Thanks for the reply Laksmi.

The requirement here is the Workspace is not used for the Build purpose. The Workspace is designed to checkout sources during Jenkins RTC integration. All the components get checked out to RTC ws and the Jenkins workspace. 

checkout([$class: 'RTCScm', avoidUsingToolkit: false, buildTool: 'RTC_Latest_Linux', buildType: [buildWorkspace: "Ws name", customizedSnapshotName: '', loadDirectory: '', value: 'buildWorkspace'], credentialsId: abc, overrideGlobal: true, serverURI: "${SCM.RTCurl}", timeout: 480])

Our intention is, with the above checkout command, only Changed components should get Checked out and not the whole workspace.

Lakshmi Narasimhan T V commented Jul 31 '20, 6:05 a.m.
At this moment, the support for optimized incremental load is only available for build definition configuration. If you upgrade to 7.0.1 and use a build definition, you will get  this support out of the box.

One answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 03 '20, 3:04 a.m.

Please see Lakshmi's comments as an answer.

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