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How to generate RPE report for a RDNG module containing word doc as an artifact

Lochana R (234) | asked Jun 05 '20, 6:32 a.m.


I have a req module in IBM DNG, in that module i have heading artifact under that i have uploaded word document as an artifact.

I'm able to generate the texts inside the module by using data source/artifact/content/text/rich text body/ div query.

I'm not able to generate the word doc artifact details.

I have tried to generate the doc artifact using wrapper resource but i'm not able to generate.

Do any have solution for this above issue?

2 answers

permanent link
Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jun 05 '20, 7:14 a.m.

If you want to include the content from the uploaded Word document, you can use "Include File" element with wrappedResourceURI as value for its "Content" property. Set "Including type" to physical embedding so that its content is printed in the output.

Lochana R commented Jun 05 '20, 7:45 a.m. | edited Jun 05 '20, 7:46 a.m.
Hi Subramanya,

Thanks for the response.

Right now I'm not trying to generate the contents of the uploaded word document.

I want the word doc in a report, like if I click on it, the document should be opened.

Scenario: 1. Introduction(Heading)
                2. A.doc (Feature)
                3. Agenda(Feature)

Need to generate a report like this.

Is that possible? If so how to achieve it?

permanent link
Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jun 05 '20, 10:11 a.m.

You can easily have a hyperlink to the file. Currently there is no option in RPE to embed a file as OLE. You can try downloading the file from DNG to your local path (using curl or any other utility) and embed it as OLE in your Word output as mentioned in the blog.

Lochana R commented Jun 06 '20, 7:18 a.m.

Hi Subramanya,

Thanks for your prompt response.

Could you please elaborate on curl and other utility as specified in your above comment?

Is it a Rest API or a tool which has to be downloaded from


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