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Can Requiremnt Import/Export take place between DOORS Next Generaton and SQL

Ian Dunn (131) | asked Apr 02 '20, 3:46 a.m.

Currently some requirements are held in an SQL database.

Is it possible to import requirements from an SQL database into DOORS Next Generation ?

Is it possible to export requirements from DOORS Next Generation into an SQL database ?

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Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Apr 02 '20, 11:25 a.m.
Hi Ian,

If the database in question does not support the ReqIF standard (which it probably does not) then the only option to migrate requirements data into DNG would be spreadsheet (CSV/XLS) export/import

This would only migrate the requirements data without any links but it may be possible to rebuild the links in DNG using the DNG Link By Attribute feature,

The same would also be true for migrating data in the other direction.
Ian Dunn selected this answer as the correct answer

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