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Using JRS to Query DNG Review Status in a Global Configuration environment

Kelly Hoffman (5828) | asked Mar 24 '20, 6:47 p.m.
edited Mar 24 '20, 6:49 p.m.
We are using DNG / JRS / GCM v6.0.6

Our DNG Project Areas contain several (~20-40) DNG Components.  In addition, these DNG Components are managed in a Global Configuration environment.

Each of the DNG Components will have several DNG Reviews based on that Component's Streams and Baselines.  
We would like an efficient mechanism to show the Reviews (w/ link to the Review), Review Status, etc.

The DNG project Dashboard has a Review widget that displays the Reviews associated with a specific DNG Component.  However, adding 20-40 Review widgets onto a single Dashboard page or across multiple tabs/pages is cumbersome.

In addition, we would like to organize the DNG Review link/status according to specific Global Configurations comprised of the Project Area's Components

Has anyone has used JRS to query DNG Review data or has other ideas how to query & display the data, in an organized, easy-to-find, format?

One answer

permanent link
Fariz Saracevic (919613) | answered Apr 11 '20, 3:11 a.m.

Review information is not available in DOORS Next. See for DOORS Next list of data gaps

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