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DNG - how to list registered users

Mark Murphy (2318) | asked Nov 04 '19, 4:51 a.m.

 I need to be able to query DOORS Next Generation (6.0.4) for a list of registered users and (ideally) the projects they are registered to. Any idea how I can do this would be most welcome.

2 answers

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Rakesh S (39113) | answered Nov 04 '19, 5:12 a.m.

To identify the projects that the users are member of,

Kindly perform the below steps mentioned: 
1)The User should navigate to RM Project Dashboard. 

2)Add a Widget(If it is not added to the Project DashBoard)-->Select Category(Project/Team)-->MyPro
ject(Add Widget-The 'My Projects' widget shows all the projects the user is member of) 

3)Once the widget is added(My Projects). 

4)Click on My Projects-->Settings-->Applications to show-->Select only Requirement Management. 

5)Now it will display only the complete projects to which the particular user belongs to. 


permanent link
Mark Murphy (2318) | answered Nov 04 '19, 6:14 a.m.

 Thanks. Widgets are definitely a help. Is there a way to get a list of all users across all projects in one query? I guess that may not be possible.

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