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DW vs LQE for JRS

Mahari Hill (4861184230) | asked Oct 22 '19, 9:56 p.m.
edited Oct 23 '19, 8:51 p.m.
CLM 606


I was always told that you switch to LQE when you convert to Global Configuration. Well, we have not and are now hosted on an instance that has DW and LQE. We continue to use the DW for most reports, but @ an IBM conference, I remember someone saying that you could use LQE and get decent reports with Rich Text fields...or something like that....

Without GC turned on,  what would be any benefit of using LQE as a source?


Accepted answer

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Kathryn Fryer (503147) | answered Oct 29 '19, 5:28 p.m.
Hi Mahari,
I could have worded that summary better.  I was trying to summarize a couple of different advantages described in the post.
LQE doesn't have a pre-built schema, it is based on your data model. There have been instances where we've added new OOTB attributes in ELM that are only contributed to LQE, not the DW.  As you noted in your original post, there are a few larger text fields that are only available in LQE.
Updating the DW with changes to your data model or attributes is dependent on when you run your DCC jobs, and there can be dependencies between ODS and datamart jobs. Updates to LQE are more automatic.
So really - it's about the data you need, the frequency of updates, and also what your infrastructure provides (there are of course sizing and performance considerations if you decide to stand up LQE in addition to the DW).
Hope that helps.
Mahari Hill selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Cathy Xu (390515) | answered Oct 23 '19, 12:12 a.m.

Mahari Hill commented Oct 23 '19, 9:13 p.m.
Thanks for responding,

"For non-enabled DNG/RQM projects, you might choose to build some reports using the DW, and others using LQE to take advantage of the dynamic schema and frequent updates."

What would be a simple example of taking advantage of a dynamic schema?

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