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Moving change-set across streams

Rakesh A (33533) | asked Mar 29 '19, 4:03 a.m.
edited Mar 29 '19, 4:05 a.m.

How can the change set be moved across Streams ?

For example : Two developers working on two streams but on same component. There is a need for a takeover of particular change-set.

Stream 1 workspace working on abc.xml file:
Baseline  created
change-set 1
change-set 2

Stream 2 workspace working on same abc.xml file:
change-set 3
change-set 4

If changes-set 1 need to be moved to Workspace of Stream 2.. How this scenario can be achieved ?

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 29 '19, 4:20 a.m.
edited Mar 29 '19, 4:21 a.m.
1. The fundamental way how RTC SCM works is: For the stream configuration you want the change set to be in, create a repository workspace. Follow the answer to your question to accept the change set into your repository workspace and then deliver the change to the stream.

2. Fix your language, you are not moving anything. You make a change to be included in different contexts.

3. Consider basic training. is a partner that has great RTC/CLM trainings. You want to do a train the trainers model where you train some people the tool usage and allow them to become knowledgeable. These people build the pool of experts that help other users to get started.

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Mar 29 '19, 4:26 a.m.
Another way to do this is:
a) The first developer sets the flow target of Stream1_Workspace to Stream2 and delivers change sets 1 & 2 to Stream2. The second developer accepts the change sets and merges the changes.

Rakesh A commented Mar 29 '19, 5:44 a.m.
All the 3 ways mentioned in works perfectly fine between repository workspace. But change-set takeover across streams don't really need above options.
For e.g. If a flow connection is established b/w streams : Marking 'complete' and then 'accept' change-set is not needed at repository workspace, change-set can be directly delivered to stream.
Hope my understanding is right.

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 29 '19, 5:52 a.m. | edited Mar 29 '19, 5:53 a.m.

Once a change set is in a stream it is delivered and completed.

Accept is always the option for incoming (completed) changes, regardless of incoming from a work item for example.
The available action for change sets that are in a repository workspace (or Stream) that flows to a Stream where the change set is not contained is deliver. Deliver completes a change set if it is not already completed.

Reading provides the answer to the question around delivery between streams.

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