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Error while loading Folders in RDNG (Artifacts Tab)

SYED HUSSAIN (3719) | asked Feb 20 '19, 12:14 p.m.

We have upgraded CLM form 6.0.3 to 6.0.6 with IFix006 and receiving following error while accessing Artifacts in RDNG. It shows below error while loading Folders list.

ID CRRRW7553E  A message that was received from the server indicates an error with no specific handler.
_6@https://myserver:9443/rm/web/_js/?include=G~&etag=Fa2rWRz8iwF_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=OhgkA&locale=en-us:2434:8 _6@https://myserver:9443/rm/web/_js/?include=G~&etag=Fa2rWRz8iwF_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=OhgkA&locale=en-us:6132:1 _13@https://myserver:9443/rm/web/_js/?include=G~&etag=Fa2rWRz8iwF_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=OhgkA&locale=en-us:6147:1

Error 400: Bad Request

Propagated exception; original message [InternalServerErrorException: Propagated exception; original message [UncheckedExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Multiple entries with same key: https://myserver:9443/rm/folders/_hfCqclQTEeKzkvPRDuhJlQ=Folder{FolderURI=https://myserver:9443/rm/folders/_hfCqclQTEeKzkvPRDuhJlQ, Name=BRS, ParentURI=https://myserver:9443/rm/folders/_TmFXlVQIEeKzkvPRDuhJlQ, ProcessArea=https://myserver:9443/rm/process/project-areas/_TmFXlVQIEeKzkvPRDuhJlQ/team-areas/_0N8g7mhcEeKgSPkIS7aqtA, Description=, XsdLastModified=notSpecified, etag=notSpecified, hasChildren=false} and https://myserver:9443/rm/folders/_hfCqclQTEeKzkvPRDuhJlQ=Folder{FolderURI=https://myserver:9443/rm/folders/_hfCqclQTEeKzkvPRDuhJlQ, Name=BRS, ParentURI=https://myserver:9443/rm/folders/_TmFXlVQIEeKzkvPRDuhJlQ, ProcessArea=https://myserver:9443/jts/process/project-areas/_TmFXlVQIEeKzkvPRDuhJlQ/team-areas/_0N8g7mhcEeKgSPkIS7aqtA, Description=, XsdLastModified=notSpecified, etag=notSpecified, hasChildren=false}]] (More info found at entry [81b282f41a0e085a] in the RM application server log)

We have run all the indexes but issue still exist. 

One answer

permanent link
Tony Chuter (11) | answered Feb 23 '19, 9:54 a.m.

 Hi Syed,

Did you get an answer to this? Did you raise a service request?

We are getting a similar error after upgrading to 6.0.6 iFix006 but its a CRRRW7556E rather than a CRRRW7553E.


SYED HUSSAIN commented Feb 24 '19, 12:45 a.m.

Dear Tony,

We have raised the PMR and have been coordinating on that with IBM so far.

Somehow the error is fixed each time we run re-indexes for RM but it comes back.

Waiting for the permanent solution from IBM.

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