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Listing DNG types using OSLC in context of component and stream

Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | asked Feb 06 '19, 5:54 a.m.

 Hi Jazz Community,

I am aware that I can get list of artifact types, link types using DNG private api for particular project using

Is there a way to get list of artifact types and links in context of component and stream when CM is enabled.

Without any issue I can get list of artifacts but I need list of artifact types.


Accepted answer

permanent link
Benjamin Röhl (1671425) | answered Feb 06 '19, 6:10 a.m.
Hi Bartosz,

in general retrieving artefacts/resources configuration-aware, you just need to add the Configuration-Context header with the configuration's URL to your request when fetching the type model:
Configuration-Context : https://.../rm/cm/stream/_I5GKcDzrEeWJpodFEUUUBg

Alternatively, but the less prefered way, is to add a query parameter to the resource URL itself

Please see the Configuration Management Specification for more details.
Bartosz Chrabski selected this answer as the correct answer

Bartosz Chrabski commented Feb 06 '19, 6:17 a.m.

Thanks, I will checked the first option, because the second one was not working well when working with 6.0.4 

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