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How to measure the performance of CLM applications

Snehal Yendhe (15235) | asked Feb 05 '19, 2:42 a.m.

 Hi Team,

I want to know how we can measure performance of CLM applications?
I referred below link for that : 

Can we measure performance of CLM application using Rational Performance Tester(RPT)?
 Any other tool is there?

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Feb 05 '19, 6:41 p.m.
Hi, Snehal

You can surely use RPT to measure performance of CLM application. See the approach in this article:
In fact, most of CLM performance reports are based on RPT testing. For example

I am sure other testing tools can be used as well. For example, JMeter was used to test against Jazz Server here:

Hope this helps to start with.

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